10 Quick Tips About Defra Approved Stove

What is a Defra Approved Stove? A Defra Approved Stove (also known by the abbreviation SE) is a wood-burning or multi-fuel stove that is able to be installed in smoke zones for control. They often feature the Defra approved logo or are labeled as an approved stove in their specifications. Even if you're not in a smoke controlled area the stoves are more sustainable for the environment and will prevent you from irritating neighbours with nuisance smoke. They also go through rigorous testing. What is a DEFRA Approved Stove? It is important to think about the kind of fuel you'll choose when choosing the wood-burning stove or multi-fuel stove for your home. This is especially true if you live within an area that is smoke-free, since it will affect the fuels you can burn in your stove. Wood stoves can burn different types of fuels. However, if you live in a smoke-controlled area you'll require an approved DEFRA stove that is specifically designed to burn fuels that are authorised without smoke. A DEFRA approved wood burning or multi-fuel stove is one that has been subjected to rigorous testing to ensure that the emissions produced by the stove are less. This is achieved by making sure that the stove is equipped with an additional combustion process which means that waste gases are burned within the stove to reduce the amount of emissions. In addition to decreasing the amount of smoke generated by the stove, DEFRA approved stoves also offer cost savings by offering greater efficiency and by being designed to efficiently burn wood. This makes them an excellent option for those looking to heat their home with renewable energy that is eco friendly and can be an economical way to heat the home. There are a range of different styles of DEFRA approved stoves, from traditional to contemporary. This lets homeowners pick one that is compatible with the decor of their homes and can be installed in existing fireplace chambers. They can be incorporated into various chimney liners, flue systems and are compatible with natural or gas supply. The advantages of using a DEFRA approved stove aren't only for those living in areas that are smoke-free, anyone will benefit from the higher efficiency and lower levels of emissions that these stoves produce. A DEFRA approved wood stove will improve the air quality in your home and will contribute to an environmentally sustainable future. This is because wood stoves absorb carbon dioxide, which is then released back into the air when they are used to heat the home. What Fuels Can I Burn in a DEFRA Approved Stove? A DEFRA approved wood burning stove (also called a Defra smoke exempt appliance) is a stove that has passed Defra's stringent tests to limit the amount it can produce of smoke. If you live in the UK city or town that is classified as a “smoke control area”, it's a obligation to only use the stove that is Defra-approved. Otherwise you could be fined for breaking the law. Even if you don't live in a zone of smoke control or a smoke control zone, a Defra approved stove is still an excellent option to ensure that your chimney and flue system is more clean for a longer period of time. Stove manufacturers such as Arada, Burley, Parkray & Stovax have been working hard to create the most advanced technology for clean burning that has led to the creation of Defra approved stoves that not only reduce the emission of toxic pollutants into the air but also drastically reduce the amount of smoke produced during the combustion process. Defra approved stoves now have secondary and tertiary combustion systems to further reduce emissions, make use of fuel more efficiently and make for a much more eco-friendly and neighbour green method of heating your home. It is crucial to know that a Defra-approved stove can burn wood as well as manufactured solid fuels such as household coal, coal fires, high petroleum-based fuel, and Petrol Coke. However you must be cautious about the kind of firewood that is used. It is illegal to burn damp or wet firewood in the DEFRA approved stove since it causes excessive nuisance smoke that will make your neighbors angry and could cause fire hazards within your property. We recommend that when purchasing wood for your Defra approved fireplace, you purchase only splits and logs that are dry and properly seasoned. Read the Full Content recommend using only firewood stamped with the Ready to Burn logo. This indicates that the wood has been treated to have an extremely low moisture content, to avoid excessive smoke production. The majority of Defra approved wood-burning stoves don't offer the option to burn smokeless coke. However there are a few excellent classic models that look stunning with or without a mantle and surround. Having a DEFRA approved stove installed allows you to install a 5” (125mm) wide stainless steel twin wall flexible chimney liner which is a more affordable alternative to the standard 6” (150mm) and is a great option if your chimney stack is old or has some awkward bends along its route. Can I Fit a Non-Defra Approved Stove in a Smoke Control Area? If you're in the market for a new wood-burning stove, it is likely that you'll come across DEFRA approved models. This is a term employed in the industry to define a stove that is exempt from smoke control laws when it's burned with approved fuels like well-seasoned logs, mineral solid fuels or anthracite. It is important to remember that non-Defra devices can be used in smoke-controlled areas, but they must be only used to burn authorized fuels, such as anthracite. If you intend to use them to burn a variety kinds of wood or other solid fuels that are flammable, they could emit excessive smoke and lead to the issue of a fire-related violation. Stoves that are Defra Approved are often adorned with the Defra logo on their descriptions of the product. Manufacturers may also refer to them as SE (smoke-exempt) or DEFRA stoves. To be Defra approved, a stove needs to meet strict requirements set by the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs in relation to emissions and performance. They have been subjected to rigorous testing to ensure low emissions and efficiency. The Defra-approved wood-burning, multi-fuel and wood-burning stoves can help reduce your carbon footprint while keeping your home warm. A DEFRA approved stove can be fitted with a 5 inch liner. This is a huge advantage since it lets you save money on installation costs and also ensures that you comply with the building regulations. Choosing the right DEFRA approved wood burner for your home can be a bit confusing in case you aren't aware of the rules for burning wood in smoke control zones. It is important to choose a stove which has been tested and is in compliance with the UK government's standards. This will ensure you get the most efficient burning experience. It is also important to ensure that you burn only the wood that has been seasoned. It has a moisture that is less than 20%, which will prevent excessive smoke from accumulating after it is burned. You can find seasoned wood in a lot of local stores and through programs like Woodsure Ready to Burn. What is what is a DEFRA Exempt Stove? There are a variety of factors to think about when looking to buy a wood-burning stove. From the style and output to fuel type there's plenty to consider before making your final choice. If you reside in a smoke-free area an exempt DEFRA stove is among the most important things to look for. A DEFRA approved wood stove has been tested independently and has been proven to burn wood in a smoke-controlled space. These stoves are designed to minimize emissions of particles from the combustion process. This means that less pollution will be created in the air. As well as this, DEFRA approved stoves are also better for the environment as well as your chimney system because they prevent part-burned combustibles from getting into the flue and causing blockages. A Defra exempt stove will display the logo “DEFRA approved” on the front of the unit or in the title of its specification. The logo is easily identifiable and is a mark of quality that is widely adopted by stove manufacturers. A large number of wood-burning stoves we sell have the DEFRA mark and we also have various models that are multi-fuel which are DEFRA approved. You should also ensure that the wood burner or multifuel stove you pick comes with five” liner. This is because non-DEFRA stoves need an even larger flue than DEFRA approved models and will cause the chimney to become blocked if you're not cautious. If you aren't sure whether or not you reside in a Smoke Controlled area, or what the rules are regarding the types of fuel you can burn, contact us and we'll be more than happy to help. You can also go to the website of your local council to find out more about the laws that apply in your area.